Google Optimize Overview

Google Optimize is one of the best tools available for business owners and web developers who want to A/B test and personalize websites. It launched in Beta during 2016 and created a lot of excitement within digital marketing circles. Now the system is out of Beta, anyone can use it to run experiments and try to get the best results possible from their online efforts. So how can you get started with Google Optimize? Let’s dive right in:

What is Optimize and what does it allow me to do?

Optimize is one of the best free tools you’ll ever encounter for making website improvements and boosting your conversion rates. Even the smallest of design alterations can often have a substantial impact on performance. For this reason, we encourage all site owners to consider experimentation on a regular basis. The Optimize tool from Google can help you:

  • Improve the user experience or conversion rate on your website
  • Help you run A/B tests and redirect tests on single landing pages
  • Run multivariate tests for higher trafficked sites

So, what do I need to make use of Google Optimize?

You’re going to need a few fundamental things at your disposal before you can get started with Google Optimize. Firstly, you’ll have to open a Gmail account (if you don’t have one already). After that, you’ll have to link the Google account to a Google Analytics property. Once you complete those two straightforward tasks, the next step involves installing the Analytics script on your site (we’ll hold off on this for the time being).

Next up, it’s time to head over to to create your first container! If you manage to do all that without issue; you just need to install the Optimize extension for Google Chrome, and you’re ready to rock!

Check out Google’s latest instruction for deploying Optimize for the most up-to date process.

What steps do I need to follow?

While technical deployment processes can change, the straightforward and step-by-step guide below should be enough to get you started. Just work your way through each step and ensure you keep our Youtube video playing in the background at the same time. With a bit of luck, you could start running different personalizations on your site in a matter of minutes.

  1. Log in to your account and create your container
  2. Link your Analytics account to Google Optimize
  3. View your plugin for script copying and pasting information
  4. Click “create experiment” and enter the relevant info
  5. View the experiment page
  6. Think critically about your objectives and set them accordingly
  7. Select one of the default goals from Optimize or create a custom objective
  8. Create a new variant or multiple variants that will display during the A/B testing
  9. Adjust the percentage of users who will take part in the experiment. Sometimes you will only want to use a small portion of your site visitors
  10. Click over to the simple and user-friendly editor to make website design changes
  11. Press “save” and double-check your alterations to ensure you’re 100% happy with the test before it begins
  12. Go back to Optimize to preview the experiment
  13. Consider sharing links to the experiment with your clients or associates. Google Optimize provides you with a secure URL

So, what do I do with the results?

You can use the results from your experiment to better inform your design and development solutions. In some cases, you only have to make slight alterations to colors and styles to create a positive impact. If you notice that more people click links, purchase products, or engage with the version of your site containing changes; you can develop and publish the new site design with confidence. If you discover that the changes create a decrease in performance; it’s safe to say you can forget about them and try something different.

The information from this article and the accompanying video should help to ensure you cover all the bases when getting started with Google Optimize. However, there is always more to learn, and new techniques and strategies appear every single day. So, if you want to keep your finger on the pulse and ensure you always stay ahead of the competition; be sure to subscribe to our blog and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!